Dog Argentina
Dog Argentina
The Argentine Dogo is a huge, white, strong type of canine that was created in Argentina essentially with the end goal of major game chasing, including wild hog. The reproducer, Antonio Nores Martinez, additionally needed a canine that would display resolute boldness and energetically ensure its human friend.
Dogos are major game trackers and are likewise prepared for search and salvage, police help, administration canines, guide for the visually impaired, cutthroat dutifulness, Schutz hund and military work.
The Dogo is a smart and gallant canine with a solid, normal nature to secure its home and family. Dogos are social canines and are most joyful when remembered for all family exercises. Dogos make a solid qualification between natural individuals and outsiders, so it is basic that they be all around prepared and associated at an early age.
अर्जेंटीना डोगो एक विशाल, सफेद, मजबूत प्रकार का कैनाइन है जिसे अर्जेंटीना में अनिवार्य रूप से जंगली हॉग सहित प्रमुख खेल का पीछा करने के अंतिम लक्ष्य के साथ बनाया गया था। प्रजननकर्ता, एंटोनियो नोरेस मार्टिनेज को अतिरिक्त रूप से एक कुत्ते की आवश्यकता थी जो दृढ़ साहस प्रदर्शित करे और ऊर्जावान रूप से अपने मानव मित्र को सुनिश्चित करे।
Origin --- Argentina
Female --- 60-65 cm
Male --- 65-68 cm
Female --- 35-40 kg
Male --- 40-45 kg
White, Red
Life Span
10-15 years
Temperament --- Affectionate, Friendly, Loyal, Cheerful, Protective, Tolerant
Other name
Argentinian Dogo
Bite force
500 PSI
Number of puppies
4-8 puppies
मूल --- अर्जेंटीना
महिला --- 60-65 सेमी
नर --- 65-68 सेमी
महिला --- 35-40 किग्रा
नर --- 40-45 किग्रा
सफेद लाल
10-15 साल
स्वभाव --- स्नेही, मिलनसार, वफादार, हंसमुख, सुरक्षात्मक, सहनशील
अन्य नाम
अर्जेंटीना डोगो
काटने का बल
500 पीएसआई
पिल्लों की संख्या
4-8 पिल्ले
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